Thursday, January 12, 2017

I love digitally inking!

Really, I do.

Nothing makes me happier than being able to zoom way in and meticulously ink until my heart is content. Anyone who says that digital art is easy can't possible understand the way that having the option to zoom in, use multiple layers, try different things, and constantly undo can make a piece last until the end of time, impossible to stop working on, making every line a kind of swan song in the pursuit of absolute perfection.

This is Melusina, an original character of mine fittingly named after a water goddess. I wanted her to look elfin and otherworldly, like a real creature of the sea and not a pin up with a tail. 


Thursday, June 23, 2016

Heartless-My First Animatic

Heartless Animatic

My first experience with story boards and animatic making! It was certainly an adventure.
As an illustrator by nature I am very detail oriented so it was very challenging to produce so many drawings and focus on the story rather than the rendering. 
That being said I found the process to be very rewarding in the end and I intend to continue this project. 

Friday, April 29, 2016

The Statement

As an aspiring illustrator and character designer I feel that a certain amount of vanity is expected. My chosen path makes it quite clear that I want my work to be both cherished and entertaining. I feel honestly that the characters in my mind were made to be known, that my mental space is a world that should be shared. I am the quintessential extrovert; I experience my work through the eyes of others-real or imagined.
Part of this comes from my desire to be known, truly known. My whole life I have been sharing, risking confidences, and trusting without cause-all in my quest to be known. I want to be seen. For this reason, my work comes from within and is designed to reach others. My work is diverse in both subject and media but it is all ultimately says one thing; I am here. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Tessa Animates!

If you have never animated before, you have no idea what goes into even the simplest of animations. The bouncing ball and rolling tire are important exercises designed to help us learn about timing and weight. These are done using Adobe Flash with timing charts left in.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Coloring Out of My Comfort Zone

My digital drawing professor and most esteemed drawing sensei is fond of having us color our self portraits in line when finished with them. Using a variety of Photoshop techniques on multiple layers we are encouraged to use run through techniques and experiment with different colors. I always find that I feel a little out of my element for this project, as I would far rather simply color them without the bells and whistles. Still, one does not study art to stay in one's comfort zone.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Jewel of Rome-Linework

One lovely Roman lady, three personas. This will eventually be a colored illustration in the art nouveau style.